Our maple syrup smells and tastes great: a pure delight!

Sugar shacks are a springtime “must” in Québec. Traditional-style or innovative, they all offer a festive ambiance. Almost every dish is bathed in maple syrup: ham, baked beans, sausages, eggs, pancakes. Once replete, you get to dance your heart out to folk tunes or go for a sleigh ride or hike in the woods... taffy stick in hand, of course!


Most sugar shacks are open in March and April, but some serve up meals year-round.

Did you know?

“Grandfathers in maple syrup” are dumplings cooked in maple syrup. Yum!

Stylish sugar shacks

  • We love it, because it is in the forest, and its architecture blends perfectly with the surrounding nature. It is mainly built of logs with a coloured metal roof. The warm interior is lit by old chandeliers that filter the room adorned with huge beams, and the wooden floor has echoes of dancers jigging to folk tunes. Their cuisine is traditional, generous and tasty.

    L’intérieur d’une cabane à sucre en bois rond est éclairé par un feu de foyer.
  • Here, we revisit sugar shack classics, keeping, of course, maple syrup as the main star in all the dishes. Its décor is often a mix of traditional and contemporary Duck confit brioches, onion soup with maple syrup and Oka cheese, crêpes with foie gras, pineapple with maple syrup, shredded ham, and many other delights will delight gourmets with a sweet tooth.

    Un plat de gaufres de cabane à sucre revisité.
  • It’s the perfect place to treat the family, but above all to have some fun. You can go for sleigh and cart rides pulled by horses or tractors. Hosting, outdoor games, snowshoeing, mini-farm, dancing and guided tours of the kettles are just some of the activities that will delight young and old alike. Not to mention, of course, the tasting of taffy on snow! Yum!

    Une famille déguste de la tire sur la neige à la cabane à sucre.
  • We love the sugar shack so much that we even offer the experience in town. The Cabane Panache event takes place over a weekend in Verdun at the end of March. A lumber camp and music stage are set up there. Completely wrapped in coats, fill your bellies with sugar shack dishes and dance to the tunes of traditional music. It's great, because you can get there by metro and public transport.

    Scène de spectacle au festival Cabane Panache de Verdun
  • For those who prefer a calm setting, there are several smaller sugar shacks. They do not offer activities, and the atmosphere is cozy. You can sometimes fully reserve a sugar shack for one group. And their cuisine is of course just as tasty as the others!

    Un homme et son cheval font la cueillette d’eau d’érable en forêt.
  • Veggie? Well... They serve vegetarian cretons, sausages and soup, bacon-free beans, scrambled tofu with maple syrup, legume meatball ragout, maple brie, roast potatoes, pancakes, syrup pie, and more. We really want our sugar shacks to have something to please everyone. Bon appétit!

    Un plat de cabane à sucre végétarien

See our sugar shacks

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