Dogs are man’s best friend... especially for sledding.

Dogsledding puts us in touch with nature and lets us bond in a special way with the animals doing the pulling. Once our team takes off, there’s no stopping us. Hearing only the panting of our canine companions, we’ll fly over Québec’s snow-covered landscapes. We can drive the sled for a few hours or a few days, with overnight stays in a tepee, cottage or other accommodations.


Dogsledding is practised from mid-December to mid-March. Snow-laden trees turn it into a magical—almost ghostly—experience!

Did you know?

Dogsledding is the traditional mode of transport of Far North Indigenous people.

Do you own a dog?

  • They love the outdoors, running and making you experience emotions. New to this? This is no reason to deny his or her pleasure. Dog sledding is totally accessible and safe. We are bundled up, comfortably seated and the dog handler takes the reins for the adventure. For an hour or half a day, trying it will have embracing it.

    Musher et son attelage en expédition dans un sentier enneigé
  • Are we ready for the next level? Musher for a day is your next stop. A day where you start by taming your doggies, and them, their humans. Then, we learn the basics of being a dog handler: holding the reins, placing your feet and above all how to speak… dog! Going with someone else is twice as much fun. After lunch? We change places and watch the trees go by!

    Couple heureux en train de pratiquer du traîneau à chiens dans un sentier boisé pendant une journée ensoleillée.
  • You can't go on an adventure without planning everything before you leave. But the planning is really worth it, and the change of scenery is guaranteed. Whether in Abitibi-Témiscamingue or Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean, there are packages of three to seven days. Do you have an inner Indiana Jones? Nunavik is for you, and parc national des Pingualuit is your destination.

    Inukshuk, chien et son traineau dans la plaine enneigée du Nunavik au coucher de soleil.

Where to go dog sledding in Québec?

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