You are being watched… Whether on the water or deep in the forest, the local wildlife is keeping an eye on you.

Québec is home to some 650 animal species, including 90 mammal species and 300 bird species. You can observe migratory birds, white-tailed deer, moose, beavers and sea mammals in their natural habitats or on wildlife reserves. Stay alert at every bend in the path, watch for movement in the sky or under the water’s surface...


Spot wildlife all year long. Take advantage of the snow cover to follow animal tracks in winter.

Did you know?

You can sleep with wolves and observe bears.

Where do you go to see wildlife?

  • Our parks are home to a surprising variety of animals living in their natural habitat. Keep your eyes peeled as you wend your way along the trails, because you are sure to cross paths with wildlife...

  • The St. Lawrence River provides an immense marine playhouse for birds. Observe their aerial ballet performances, acrobatics, dives and their swoops and dances of seduction.

  • No photo or image can compare to the real-life experience of spotting a whale! There are numerous locations where you can observe whales, seals and belugas from the shore, or from a kayak or cruise boat.

  • In October and again in the spring, thousands of snow geese stop along the St. Lawrence River. It’s a breathtaking sight to watch them take off in a gigantic flurry of white.

Where to observe our wildlife?

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