Our St. Lawrence River stretches for 1,197 km and is the home of giants!

A cruise along this main waterway lets you see Québec in a whole new light. Enjoy a front-row seat for observing the whales and other marine mammals, birds and island plant life, and take time to discover Québec’s magnificent natural and urban landscapes.


The cruise season runs mainly from June to October, and the fall is the perfect time to observe whales on a river shimmering with colours.

Did you know?

Over 150 international cruise ships stop in Québec City during the summer.


  • There are many ways to discover Québec by boat. A whole host of operators offer some 120 cruises of every genre on 15 different lakes and waterways. Choose the type and duration that appeal to you most: dinner cruises, theme cruises, nature watching, fireworks evenings or packages that include accommodations. There’s equal variety when it comes to your vessel: everything from canoes to catamarans, amphibious buses, pneumatic boats and sightseeing boats.

    Une femme et un homme sur un bateau, contemplant le rocher Percé et sa formation rocheuse impressionnante.
  • How better to discover Québec than to cruise along the St. Lawrence River, experiencing the grandiose tides, breathtaking sunsets and changing landscapes? The international cruises of the Cruise the Saint Lawrence operator offer nine fantastic ports of call from Montréal to Havre-Saint-Pierre, and various packages.

    Dans le fjord du Saguenay, trois bateaux de croisière naviguant sur l’eau. En arrière-plan se dresse la ville de La Baie.

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